Query in Loop problem: ( we do not need to to select query in loop )

4. Query in Loop problem: ( we do not need to to select query in loop ) resolved:

In Apex Class:
public class UpdateAccTriggerHandler {

public void handleBeforeCreateUpdate( List<Account> newAccList ){
Set<Id> accountGroupIds = new Set<Id>();
      for( Account iAccount : newAccList ) {
            if(iAccount.Group__c != null ) {
                accountGroupIds.add( iAccount.Group__c );


List<Account> accountGroups = [ SELECT Id, Name, OwnerId
                                  From Account
                                  WHERE Id in: accountGroupIds

        Map<Id,Account> groupIdMap = new Map<Id,Account>();
        for( Account oneGroup: accountGroups ) {


      for( Account iAccount : newAccList ) {
            if( iAccount.Group__c != null ) {
                iAccount.OwnerId = groupIdMap.get(iAccount.Group__c).OwnerId;


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